Community Clothing Donation Event

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Community Clothing Donation Event at Milliken Mills Community Centre

7600 Kennedy Road; between 12:00 pm (noon) to 3:00 pm

  • Donate new and used clothing for the Salvation Army
  • Enjoy free food and drinks
  • A chance to take a free family photo
  • Opportunity to meet and greet Kenny Wan (candidate contestant of Federal Liberal Party; Markham-Unionville). He will be there to listen to your opinions on government policies, helping new immigrants; and concerns on the economy

Everyone is invited. Please bring your family, friends, and neighbours! We look forward to seeing you there.

萬錦市於人村將在12月21日(星期六)中午十二時至下午三時舉辦爲救世軍(Salvation Army)收集新舊寒衣活動 – 寒衣送暖流.齊心用愛共助社區行動日。

屆時除有免費中西及東南亞美食及飲品提供外,更有全家福家庭相免費拍照。除此以外, 宣佈角逐下屆聯邦自由黨提名侯選人的溫建業先生(Kenny Wan)也將來臨現場与各位街坊朋友,暢談社會民生及聴取閣下寶貴意見, 希望將來可以向國會反映。


2013-12-21 Community Clothing Donation Event Snow with Santa

2013-12-21 Community Clothing Donation Event - English

2013-12-21 Community Clothing Donation Event - Chinese