Letter To Supporters

March 2, 2014

Dear friends and supporters,

I want to let you know that I will be bowing out of the campaign to seek the Liberal Party’s nomination for the Markham-Unionville riding for the 2015 general election.

I can never thank you enough for the confidence and support that you have shown me during the past few months. Since I decided to seek nomination last October, I have been meeting with different community groups as well as individuals in the riding to exchange ideas and to listen to their needs. After months of campaigning, we have seen amazing support from our multi-cultural constituents in the riding. In just a couple of months, membership in the Markham-Unionville riding association has gone up to over 1,600 in number.

As the nomination campaign progresses, however, there are more and more concerns that the election process and its operation within the riding are not consistent with the best interests of building an inclusive and multi-cultural community. This is a significant deviation from my purpose of seeking nomination in the first place. After due considerations, I have decided to withdraw from seeking the said nomination.

From day one, my campaign’s core value has been the common good of our people. I have always believed that in our country, the Chinese community thrives because we embrace inclusion and mutual respect. I sincerely hope our riding can be represented by a candidate who can truly represent our multicultural values and not just a single ethnicity.

There is still a balance of $12,000 from my campaign’s fundraising initiatives. As my campaign ends, I am going to donate this amount to charities including Yee Hong Foundation ($5,000), Mon Sheong Foundation ($5,000) and Sanatan Mandir Cultural Centre ($2,000). I promise you that I will continue to serve and give back to the community, to stand up for our common good, to work hard to give our next generation a better future.

Yours sincerely,

Kenny Wan



自從去年十月决定参選以来,我未敢怠慢,馬不停蹄地与社區各階層互相交流,聆聽社區的訴求,得到區內來自不同族裔選民的鼎力支持,兼贏得了各方面的熱烈響應,於短短數月間本選区內自由黨黨員激增至一千六百多人。 我由衷地感谢大家的支持、信任和鼓勵。



至於餘下的競選献金有一万二千元,我將全部轉贈慈善機構,包括頤康中心及孟嘗會各得捐款五千元, 其餘二千元會捐給南亞社區文化中心。在此,我承諾將會一如既往地繼續服務及回饋社區,建立我們共同的利益, 努力為我們下一代締造一個美好和富足的家園。
